Join the Harvard Club of Oregon & SW Washington
Meet new faces, reconnect with old friends, and join the FUN!
We are an active club with low membership dues that support non-profit activites run by volunteers without financial support from the University. Please join (or renew) your membership in the Club. Membership in the Harvard Club of Oregon and Southwest Washington is open to graduates of Harvard College, Radcliffe College, any Harvard graduate school, and specific other programs at Harvard University.
Your membership dues support the non-profit activities of the club:
- Connect graduates of all Harvard schools for social, business, and service opportunities
- Sponsor memorable events (Global Networking Night, Spring dinner, Harvard-Yale Game, and many more)
- Provide alumni interviews to Harvard College applicants and support recruiting efforts
- Recognize outstanding high school students with the Harvard Prize Book
- Support Oregon students at Harvard with social activities and summer job coordination
- Host traveling performing groups (Harvard Glee Club, Radcliffe Choral Society)
- Champion service programs (Harvard Serves, HBS Community Partners)
Benefits of Membership:
- Discounts to club and local events (Timbers, Thorns games)
- Membership benefits with the 185+ Harvard Clubs participating in the Global Pass, including the Harvard Club of Seattle
- Access to the online directory of local alumni
Questions about membership? Interested in mailing a check to pay membership dues? Want access to the online directory?
Please email hucoregon@post.harvard.edu.
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